Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Happy Birthday, Laura!

*This isn't the most flattering picture that ever was, but it sure makes me smile. I went hunting for this one!

Laura and I were in the same club at Harding, and were in a prayer group together for part of that time. We lived together in an apartment dorm our junior year. She was also in my wedding. I am very blessed to call her friend.

Looking back, there are two memories that stick out the most. As roommates, Laura and I prayed a lot together. Those prayer times were really special. Laura was someone who would often pray for me as soon as I asked her to. I really appreciated that about her. Another memory was when we were staying up really late one night. The two of us (maybe Jen and Christie too?) had done face masks. Laura fell asleep while waiting to take it off. When I tried to wake her up, she said she couldn't get up off the couch because her face was stuck to the afghan. She was obviously totally out of it. I actually think about that night pretty often. It gives me a good laugh.

Laura, I hope you have a blessed birthday! I love you and thank God for you.


Our Family said...

Hopefully this post will get a comment from Mrs. Christie Johnson!

laura said...

Dee - thank you so much for my birthday wishes and memories! we sure have had some fun memories together haven't we? God bless you my friend!