Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A Night Off?

Last night I had the night off...after I cooked dinner, of course. So, I got in the car and headed to Midnight Oil. I brought along the book Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge. Channing got me this book for Christmas in 2005, and I have yet to finish it. In fact, it's been so long since I sat down to read it, I decided to start all over again. There weren't very many cars at Midnight Oil when I got there, and I was looking forward to a quiet, relaxing evening. Yeah, well, I must be getting old, because I couldn't concentrate too good. The music was too loud, and I had a very hard time focusing on what I was reading. I am normally a fast reader, but last night I only got two chapters read (about 40 pages). I also had trouble staying awake. I kept catching myself zoning out, just about closing my eyes. This "night off" lasted only about an hour. Hope next week's night off goes better.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you get a night off every week! I think as we get older and we get a break, I think our minds turn to vegg. They need a break as well. The book Captivating is a WONDERFUL book but definitely one that cannot be read and digested when our mind is breaking. I also love Midnight Oil. It is my favorite. But, the last several times I have been in there I have noticed that the music is so loud you can't think either. In fact, if you are with someone, it is hard just hearing each other talk. We have even asked them to turn the music down before. I hope next week you will be able to walk away from your night off feeling more like you had a break!

Jennifer said...

It is amazing how much louder and more distracting noises are the older we get. I have the same issue! I asked my brother one time why restaurants and coffeeshops turn up the music and he said it is to draw customers because the more noise people hear the more they think that more people are in there and the more people then it must be a good place to be. I told him this wouldn't work for me, but apparently it is common restaurant practice!