Monday, October 16, 2006

Real Thirst

Friday night we hung out with Sean and Sarah Tappe. Over our Starbuck's coffee, Sean shared something he'd discovered in class last Sunday morning. His discovery really blessed us. I hope that, as I share it, you'll be blessed too. During the class discussion of John 19, Jesus' words, "I am thirsty," really struck Sean. Jesus said that after feeling the separation from God. The soldiers gave him the wine vinegar, but that wasn't what Jesus wanted. He experienced thirst when the Father turned away. He wanted the living water that only God can provide. I never really thought of it like that before, but doesn't it make sense? We all need to be thirsty for God.

Thanks, Sean, for your thoughts. Thanks for being open to what the Spirit wanted to show you, and for sharing them with us.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the encouragement in your last two posts! I really enjoyed reading them. I recently got through reading Hebrews & was amazed at how much I discovered for the first time. I love that!!