Friday, October 27, 2006

Lots Going On

Please be praying for a few members of my family. First, my aunt JoAnn is in the hospital. They thought she'd had a stroke, but now aren't certain what's wrong. They have been running all sorts of tests. Aunt JoAnn is my mom's older sister. Second, my cousin Amber has had a fever on and off for about three weeks. They're running tests. I got an email from her today, and she's been without fever for a couple days now. Amber is going to school at HU and her parents are in Georgia. I know they are concerned about her, so be praying for them too. And, last but not least, Justin is now in Iraq. Read the first comment on this post (my sister made it)for more information.


Anonymous said...

Okay, you wanted a comment, so here it goes! :) Justin is in Iraq. He says they will hit the ground running, which means he will begin patrols throughout the city right away. This is the dangerous part. Since he is the guy on top of the Humvee, he is very easily seen and vulnerable. He is also the eyes and ears of his squad, so there is alot of pressure on him to be on the lookout. I appreciate your prayers and those of your friends. It means alot to me. I want my son to come home safe and whole. Much love, Justin's Momma