Monday, October 16, 2006

Poor Baby!

Shelby has been running a fever today, ranging from 100-102 whenever I've checked it. She hates having her temperature taken, whether I use the ear thermometer or put the digital thermometer under her arm. It's a fight, no matter what. Thankfully, though, she hasn't been that grumpy at all. I've given her some acetaminophen a few times. She fell asleep around 8:00 and hasn't slept well since then. I'll be heading to bed when I finish this post. (Channing went to bed about an hour ago.) Hopefully we'll all get plenty of sleep tonight.

Please pray that Shelby's fever breaks soon. Pray also that neither Channing nor I get sick. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Oh i know how that poor baby feels. Hopefully she won't have a fever as long as i have. I hope everything else is going well and when none of us are sick i'll come by and visit.

Carris Family said...

Poor sweet Shelby, and poor sweet mommy and daddy. I hope you guys survive a sick baby - it's the worst! I was going to call today...sounds like I better wait. Hopefully we can catch up soon. Molly