Tuesday, February 20, 2007

It's That Time Again!

Okay folks, it's time for another survey. And this one is way random, but the subject has been on my mind for a few days for some reason.
What are the five best decisions you've ever made? (Not necessarily in any special order)
Here are mine, hands down, in the order they happened, and pretty much the order of importance, since each thing led to the other:
1. Accepting Christ
2. Going to Harding University instead of Freed
3. Staying in Searcy after graduating from HU, even though I had no job
4. Asking Channing for another chance after we'd been broken up for a couple months
5. Being a stay-at-home mom


Lisa said...

1. Being baptized.
2. Having Nathan.
3. Having Jeremy.
4. Having Derek.
5. Rededicating my life to Christ after feeling the life I had been leading was anything BUT dedicated to Christ.

Jennifer said...

In no particular order,
1. Staying at Mary Lou & Sally's house when planning the Chios social fall function, as I then had space to realize that my life was not devoted to pleasing other people (around 200 for that function) and was for pleasing the Lord.
2. Saying yes to Jonathan, and cutting off a year later a toxic relationship with an old friend to continue saying yes to my husband and our relationship.
3. I'm thankful I chose to be baptized, as I am grateful that God accepts us by his grace and not by my attitude or what I understood at that point in my life.
4. Accepting a slot in Wheaton's PsyD program and moving to IL
5. Choosing to stay connected to my father and working through our rocky relationship to have what we have now.

Anonymous said...

1. Becoming a Christian
2. Going to Harding
3. Going through HU's MFT program
4. Marrying Dee
5. Becoming a Daddy