Thursday, February 22, 2007

It's About Time!

Now that we're both feeling better, Shelby and I took advantage of the beautiful day we had yesterday! Shelby and her friend Lily had a great time playing together at a nearby park. This little slide was a big hit!

Today, the two of us went to Little Rock with Sarah. We had fun roaming around Target, and saw a lot of things that we wanted to buy. Later on, after lunch and a nap for Shelby, we made a much needed trip to Wal-mart.

It sure has been nice being back in the land of the living! Thanks to all of you that have been praying for us.


Lara said...

Did you guys all get Pink Eye or something? If so I can feel your pain. Little John had it not too long ago. It's icky, icky.

Glad y'all are feeling better. Haven't seen you in forever. I'll be looking for ya Sunday at church.

Oh, and the creepy guy at MO. What's up with that? Did you ever tell Nancy? Could you describe him?
Lara :)

Lindsey Eason said...

Hey there - I just left a comment but it must be floating in cyberspace somewhere...hmmm. Well, glad you guys had fun in LR and even happier to hear that ya'll are feeling better - there's hope for the Eason children - yea!! Shelby's facial expressions are too cute and how exciting that she's in a "big girl" bed guys are making some very fun memories!!

laura said...

Dee-what a great park! Looks like Shelby had a ball! I am so jealous of the clean park though, the parks here a little icky, but we make do :) We actually went to a new one on monday and amidst all the playground equipment do you know what my little man did? There was a sidewalk in a circle around the tree that we were standing under watching him play, and he was running laps around it, laughing and giggling, so maybe he'll take after his daddy and not his mommy and love to run :)

Shiann Metheny said...

She is so adorable! Y'all are blessed! We are happy for you!