Monday, April 30, 2007

A Visit with Dear Friends

We had a wonderful visit with Mike and Angelina, along with their children, last week! When they moved away, Carter was just a few weeks old. Both our families have grown quite a bit since then! Angelina is expecting baby #3 in about five months.

It was fun to catch up with them. We were up talking pretty late the nights they stayed with us! And we also got in a game of Skip-bo, for old time's sake.

We were so sorry to see them go on Friday, but are so thankful for the time we had together. What a blessing it is to have friends like this!


Lindsey Eason said...

Mike and Angelina look great - I remember seeing Carter when he was a newborn and we had no idea they'd had another child - much less that she is pregnant with their 3rd!! What a sweet couple they were - glad to hear you guys keep in touch!